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What is Lymphedema?

Lymphedema is a medical condition characterized by the swelling of certain parts of the body, typically the arms or legs, due to the accumulation of lymphatic fluid. The lymphatic system is responsible for maintaining fluid balance in the body and plays a crucial role in the immune system.

Estimates from recent Canadian sources indicate that approximately 1 million Canadians have the incurable disease, many unaware of the true cause of their swelling which is often misinterpreted as fat.

Lymphedema Education Day | March 2, 2024

Keynote Speakers include:

VGH/UBC Lymphedema Clinic doctors

– Dr. Erin Brown, MD, PhD, FRCSC
– Dr. Kathryn Isaac, MD, FRCSC, Chair of VGH/UBC Breast Reconstruction Surgery

Author Of BioDiet – David G. Harper, PhD

+ Workshops including Lipedema 101 and Lymphedema 101

Plus a presentation by our own Expert Garment Fitter and Nurse

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